Sunday 28 June 2009

On Location II

Hey guys, I've been back home recently. I had nothing to do... So I went sketching on location with a friend. It was a really hot day today.

Yeah, I was experimenting with these. First couple of pictures I was just focusing on drawing the shadows and the rest are either just doodles or using lines to draw the picture. Kinda like etching...

After that sketching, me and Nat went to a sushi bar! Haha good thing my aunt was there! She was the head chef, so we got free sushi! Woop woop! Hehe... Definitely gonna get one again! Was on the train when I sketched that last pic... Geez! Those Indian people in the train just don't know when to shut up! I could hear them laugh their mugs off through my headphones! Blah...


brunodiniz said...

looks really good! I gotta practice making drawings of observations... I'm too stuck lately and I know it makes no good for my development

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